Watch Those Fingers “So … you can come out and help me right now?” A text I received from hubby, because to be honest, we have a pretty big place, and are often nowhere near each other. It’s a lot easier to text than search everywhere for
Read more →Target Practice Life on the farm with children, means they go, where mom and dad go, especially when they’re quite young. Right from tiny tots, they learned how to feed and care for the horses with me. Oh to be young, and think that everything is fun.
Read more →Spook We’re responsible pet owners. We’ve always been responsible pet owners. We spay and neuter our pets, and keep pur dogs at home. We’re not the sort who think it’s a good idea to allow cats or dogs to have kittens and puppies so that our children
Read more →To Hay or Not to Hay When hay prices soar due to shortages, it makes one contemplate getting out there to make some bales. Sure, the equipment has some age on it, just like the operators do, but everything that’s supposed to work, pretty well does. Sure,
Read more →Hay and Foxtails Back when we were still young and foolish, or possibly simply delusional, hubby and I wholeheartedly believed that we could drive truck, raise a family and make hay as well. On top of that, there were fences to build, a yard to keep and
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