Trudy Andrew | Canadian Author

Posts Tagged Trudy Andrew

Tails From the Farm

The Best Decision As anyone who keeps livestock, and owns rural property knows, fencing is an ongoing project. Even if a pasture hasn’t been used for a season, and was in good repair at last inspection, it still had to be checked again. A tree could fall

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As the Tail Wags

Dog and Pony Show The loyalty of a dog is an amazing thing. To have an amazing horse that works better for you than anyone else, plus the company of a great dog that looks at you, like the world revolves around you, is incredibly wonderful. I

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As the Tail Wags

Dad and Blacky. The first dog we got, when we moved to the country was a black lab, boxer cross name Blacky. He was big, a bit of a big oaf and I couldn’t stay away from that dog. Despite the fact he chased cars, and rabbits,

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As the Tail Wags

Life and a Dog I Ioved, when mom and dad told stories, of growing up in the Netherlands. The ones that intrigued me the most, were the stories of surviving the war years as kids, then teenagers. Because this is International Dog Day, I’m going to tell

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Horse Tails

That’s the Spot There are two times in every day that I find myself very popular indeed. There’s nothing like feed time to illicit a good many soft nickers, demanding neighs and often, the most amusing whinnying. Yup, horses didn’t hold back when it came to telling

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About Trudy Andrew

Trudy Andrew lives on a small farm just east of Winnipeg, Manitoba, where she enjoys her Morgan horses. A dreamer since she was a child, its no surprise to those who know her well that her imagination would find an outlet in writing, as it has in the past through artwork.
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 Oakbank, MB