Elegant Dean and I From our very first interaction together, Elegant Dean and I got along. He never once flattened his pretty ears at me, and was always interested in what I was doing. There were a couple of sturdy, tall stallion pens that they would get
Read more →The Education Though my parents were non-horse people who couldn’t understand where their daughter got her fascination with horses, they didn’t try to discourage it. Mom allowed me to choose books from the Scholastic book club, whenever the order sheets came around. I could buy any horse
Read more →Ghosts in the Yard! A gravel haulers day starts very early, and ends rather late. It’s the sort of job, where the early bird really does get the worm. We were shipped out on a first come, first loaded sort of policy, so it paid to be
Read more →I Love a Parade! My hubby loved going in parades. He loves every part of them. Dolling up the horse and tack (My job). Wearing the cowboy hat and rest of the duds, and he loved to have Higgins well-outfitted besides. I remember one parade in Winnipeg,
Read more →Lessons Learned It only took a day for us to realize that the ‘extra’ horse that came along with the purchase of Manny, was a true gem. Anyone could ride him, with any kind of tack. He was one of those incredible horses that adjusted how he
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