Trudy Andrew | Canadian Author

Tails From the Farm

The List
As fall approaches, we start a list. It has a very long, very descriptive name. Things to do before the snow flies. It wasn’t a name hubby and I came up with. We inherited it, sort of. It was what my parents used to say, when fall came and winter drew near. There were all sorts of things to get done outside, before the snow flew. It was only natural that, we did the same.
All sorts of fencing improvements kept us busy during the summer, and one fencing project, the stallion pasture, remains. We have to get it done. Sweetpea set the rails out already, so with them in place, it’s simply a matter, of putting them up. Still, there were things that got in the way. There was hay to put up, a fingertip almost cut off, all sorts of random things that eat up days. They’re the sort of unexpected things that can put a person behind on getting things on the list. When it comes to the list, it’s not good to fall behind. You see, the list tends to grow. It seems that every time a job gets crossed off, two appear in its place. It happens every year, no matter how hard we work. Eventually, the snow falls, or as mom and dad used to say, flies, and that’s the end of that. What doesn’t get done, patiently waits, until the snow melts away. Until that happens, we methodically work away at the list, in the ever optimistic hope that this year, we’ll get to all of it.
Determined to get the stallion pasture fence finished, I decided to tackle a rather simple job, complete the alleyway that runs the perimeter of the pasture. We like to have buffers between our pens. There’s no scrapping over the fence, and we don’t have to worry about horses being bullied by others. There are plenty of safe places for the horses to live. There was one, short section of alley to finish, and this was what I decided to knock off the list. The insulators were nailed on, wire strung, and then it happened. I added to the list. There’s a corner post I’ve decided needs replacing. Because it needs to be replaced, the last bit of wire couldn’t be strung either. Or maybe, just maybe, a gate should be added as well as a new post.
I’d better add it to the list.

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About Trudy Andrew

Trudy Andrew lives on a small farm just east of Winnipeg, Manitoba, where she enjoys her Morgan horses. A dreamer since she was a child, its no surprise to those who know her well that her imagination would find an outlet in writing, as it has in the past through artwork.
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 Oakbank, MB